The Art of Balance

Let me just say this: There is no such thing as “balancing it all”.

So, if you came here hoping to get some insight on how to be able to do that, stay here because you need this more than anyone else. (Ha, y’all THOUGHT I was gone say that this isn’t the place for you!)

I was once just like you, believing that it was possible to be able to achieve a median on the balance weight scale in my life.

I had seen so many people I look up to appear as if they had figured out the secret to having it all together.

And I felt inadequate because I had no clue how to get to that point.

But let me just tell you, sis, they don’t have it all together.

The truth of the matter is, if you focus in on one area in your life, you’re neglecting another area.

It sucks, I know.

“So, Khala, how do I navigate through imbalance with a sane mind?”

Ugh, I’m so glad you asked!

First things first, know that guilt is inevitable.

I don’t necessarily look at this as a bad thing, though.

Guilt doesn’t have to have a negative connotation; it can also be a sign that you’re an empathetic person who cares about something or someone.

I’ve experienced an immense amount of guilt, especially within the last year or so.

I feel bad about not interacting with my family and friends as much or having to say “no” to different opportunities that may arise while in pursuit of my dreams.


I also understand that growing this brand and reaching my career goals should be my top priorities right now.

Let’s talk about that word priority for a second.

This is really what the art of balance all boils down to.

You put the most time and energy into what you prioritize the most.

“But sis, it’s always family over everything, why are you putting stuff before them?!”

Well, sis, that’s cute and all, but any family or friend that knows me knows that I love them, but it’s crunch time right now.

Anyone who truly loves you, should never take offense to you trying to better yourself.

And it’s so ironic; accomplishing a huge goal always requires extreme concentration and usually a lot of alone time.

There is a lot of self-reflection and such that goes on in this process because you must elevate in order to reach new heights (no pun intended).

You have to protect your energy, even from your loved ones at times, and if they’ve ever tried to relentlessly reach a goal, they’ll understand.


It is also important to go back and feed those personal relationships, because what good is any success with no one to share it with?

And when you can, even in the midst of your pursuit, taking little steps away to check in with your loved ones never hurt either.

It’s very necessary to get out of your own head and your own space to gather yourself and experience the world around you, every now and again.

So, don’t feel guilty for that either.

Something else to not feel guilty for: making time for yourself.

“Now, Khala, you just spent all this time talking about focusing in on your dreams! Why waste more precious time on yourself, isn’t that selfish??”


When I say to make room for yourself on the balance scale in this instance, I’m not talking about it being a means to an end.

I’m talking about creating a space to just “be”.

Yes, my career pursuits do benefit me, and while I am extremely passionate, it’s all work.

Make room to watch Netflix, to take naps, to aimlessly surf the internet.

We all need that sacred time of living without expectations, even if just for a short moment.

It provides a certain stable footing to build our careers and our relationships.

So, I’m sorry.

Career. Relationships. Self.

It’s not possible to equally balance it all.

But it’s okay because you can always realign and refocus.

Life is just a big seesaw set, and that’s one of my favorite objects on the playground anyway.

Let me know what you think in the comments below and on our social media pages!



3 Replies to “The Art of Balance”

  1. Italy’s is so important to “just be” Im definitely learning that right now. It is so important to just be and enjoy life as if. Specially when working on yourself !

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